Search Engine Marketing What You need to know!

Is your business missing out on a large volume of potential customers simply because you don’t come up in search engine results?

Do you focus all your efforts on print, radio or TV advertising and not worry about your website, SEO and whether you can be found in Google or Yahoo? The reality is that people will go to your website or look you up after viewing your ‘offline’ ads. And most people who are looking for your service will start by ‘Googling’ it. This is where Search Engine Marketing comes.

Give it a shot now. Google your product or service (not your name) and see how you rank. How do your competitors rank?

If you don’t appear at all, or you do appear but on a few local directory listings with minimal information, it’s time for some search engine marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Just because you have a website, doesn’t mean the search engines like Google or Bing will index your site to appear in their results pages. There’s a whole host of SEO activities that are required to get you up in the organic results on that first page – from correctly coding your website, keyword optimising your content, internal and external linking, submitting your site and site map to Google, and regular content updates. It’s an ongoing process, but with a bit of SEO effort up front, you should be able to maintain good visibility in search engine results.

If you are building a new website, we can build it for you with all the right SEO code, and for a small added fee we can provide a full Search Engine Optimization service. And If you already have a website, we can improve your results. And If you don’t have a website, then it’s time to get one as people are more inclined to click on a company web address than a directory listing in search engine results.

Contact us for a free SEO analysis for your existing site or free SEO consultation for your new website.

Search Engine Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

  • Are search engine ads right for you?

These days, most people looking for your product or service will start with a Google search. Those text ads that appear in at the top and bottom of Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) are managed through Google Adwords. If you operate in a highly competitive market where’s there’s lots of competition for the first page of Google results, then we recommend that (in addition to SEO) you start running Google Adwords and pay to stay on that first page. We also recommend Google ads if you wish to target customers in cities and regions outside of your physical business address.

You can also widen your reach by running your Google text ads in the results pages of Google Search Partners (such as YouTube) and on relevant pages of other websites in the Google Display Network.

  • How much do Google ads cost?

With search engine advertising, you’re putting your ads in front of people who are actively looking for your product or service. This delivers better, more measurable returns at a fraction of the price of newspaper or television advertising. Mass media ads are still important for brand building and driving website traffic, but when mixed together with Google Adwords, you can achieve stronger returns. The cost will depend on a number of factors, particularly competition for your keywords. We can give you a recommended monthly Google Ads budget upon inquiry.

  • We’re Google Adwords experts

Getting your ads to appear in the top 3 ad positions requires advanced skills in operating Google Adwords. You have to ensure you have right keywords, account is structured correctly, ad text is relevant.  You also must ensure  that your landing pages also loads fast with strong keyword presence etc.


Contact us to get started with Google Adwords and watch your sales soar.

If you want to attract more customers to your website, you’ll need professional website design to do so.

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