Ways to Make Visitors Fall in Love With Your Website

10 Ways to Make Visitors Fall in Love With Your Website

Your website is all about attracting more visitors. And if these visitors like, or even love your website, they will not only stay more and visit it more often, but they will also most probably recommend it to their friends.

All this means that when you are building your website, you need to consider how to make people love it. There isn’t a single formula to do that. Some sites attract visitors because they have stunning designs. Others look outdated but they are so unique that they just don’t need a modern design to make people fall in love with them.

If you are familiar with your website analytics you would have heard of a metric called “bounce rate.” The bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors that leave your website after visiting one page. A low bounce rate means visitors are engaging in your website and spend time exploring it. A high bounce rate means you are doing something wrong – people are coming to your website and leaving without really interacting. A normal bounce rate for websites is around 60-70%. This means that over half of the people who visit websites leave after just viewing the page they land on.

However, there are several common characteristics of websites that attract lots of traffic. Here is what we suggest you do.

1. Create A Simple and Eye-Catching Web Design

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These two points may seem conflicting, but often the most eye-catching designs are the simplest. Take Sony, for example. Their designs are sleek, clean, and simple, yet everyone’s eyes gravitate towards them. When it comes to user experience, simplicity is often a great advantage. Sometimes when we build a website, we want to include as much elements and functionalities as possible. Then we end up in a situation that it takes too much time for people to find what they are looking for. When web design is clean and simple it can give the user a sense of time and space and if the design is aesthetically pleasing the user is naturally going to be more inclined to stay on the website.

2. Make it mobile-friendly


A big chunk of the internet traffic today comes from mobile devices. This trend is going to become even bigger in the next few years. For many people smartphones are the primary if not the only access point to internet which means that they associate a website with its mobile version rather than its desktop one. And how are they supposed to fall in love and recommend a website that looks terrible on a mobile device? Not a single chance. See Responsive website design

3. Make Your Brand Personality Shine

Ways To Make Visitors Fall In Love With Your Website

Just because your actual website design is simple it doesn’t mean it has to be cold and boring. Inject your brand and team’s personality into your website. Choose the perfect blend of colors that represent the business and transmit a message to the audience. Create wording for each page that is in line with your brand personality. Is your business easy going and laid back or fast-paced and current? Reflect that in your website copy.

4. Make them feel you are useful

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Most marketing experts will say that you need to produce useful and unique content in order to attract more traffic and engage your visitors. In our opinion, being unique these days is very hard, but at least you need to do everything to make your visitors feel that you are such. Of course, this doesn’t mean to just pretend being useful and unique. Just don’t be like the others. Do things differently. Don’t copy other people’s design. Integrate your own ideas in it. People will appreciate that.

5. Content Should Match the Users Objective

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Not only should you be empathetic, but each page needs to accurately describe and match the reason the person has arrived at the page. Content from one page to another should not be similar, but each page should offer highly focused and exclusive content to the visitor. You should also offer valuable free information to the visitor, either in the form of a resource page, a blog, or free media such as white papers and eBooks.

6. Be Clear and To the Point

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You have probably come across websites that are not clear on what they offer and what they can do for you. Think about it for a second, ask yourself how interested were you in those companies? Probably, not much.  Do not make that mistake on your website, make it easier for your website visitors to know what is it that you have to offer and what you can do for them. Be clear, tell them the benefit of using your company and how they can get started. Or how they can place an order, buy your products, etc.

7. Headings, Bullet Points, Photos and Videos

A huge block of text on a web page is very unappealing. You need to break the page up into bite size pieces. Headings and sub headings are essential. Ideally each piece of content on the page should be able to be read and make sense in isolation form the rest of the content on the page – this accommodates the user’s process of scanning for appropriate content. By adding relevant images and video to a page you break up the content but also create attractive features for the eye to be drawn to. They can also contribute to making the overall page aesthetically pleasing ans attractive.

8. Redesign, but not too often

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Making changes is a good thing. Redesigning your website can do wonders for your traffic. If you feel that things are not going well perhaps the problems comes from your design. Giving a fresh look to your site indicates that you are still present, evolving and you care about your visitors’ experience.

However, if you redesign your site too often, let’s say more than once every two years, this will show a bit of inconsistency. Imagine how you feel every time you change your smartphone or update your operating system. It takes a few days to get used to the new look and feel. It’s the same with your website. If you change your design too often, people will give up getting used to it again and again.

9. Showcase Convenience

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Make your navigation simple and intuitive so users can find exactly what they are looking for in less than three seconds. Foe example, put contact information in an easy to find location, with its own tab in the navigation and at the top right corner of the page. You should also always put a second copy of your contact information in the page footer as well.

By reshaping your website so it is visually attractive, providing valuable and highly appropriate content, presenting the content in easily digestible amounts, and having a logical and intuitive navigation, the user will be more engaged and more likely to convert into inquiries or sales.

10. Give Them a Reason to Come Back


In the world today, information gets obsolete very fast. Therefore, it is very important to frequently add new information to your website. Whether it is new products, new services or simply, something interesting to your customers. Give your customers and website visitors a reason to come back. When you have the habit of having new information on your website, creates the expectation of new information, tips, products, services, etc. your audience would be more likely to come back. Additionally, search engines, such as, Google like websites that with fresh and new information. It gives the impression that the company cares about its website and more importantly about its customers. For example, we change our website every month, for February we have hearts falling and we talk about Valentine’s Day, in for the Super Bowl we decorate it with football ball falling. In short, we have some kind of theme on our website to make it more appealing and create expectations to our visitors. Giving them a reason to come back.

The bottom line:

Making your visitors fall in love with your website, means that you have totally win the game for yourself. If people are willing to share your site and recommend it to their friends, you have succeed to create a community around your brand that is way more effective than any marketing budget.

To sum it, we can say that this goes way beyond bounce rate, time spent on site and other metrics. A hundred people that will spread the word about your site are more than thousands of visitors that will come and never return.

Want to create the perfect website for you? Why not start now!

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